This started going haywire pretty much by the time we reached the "baby slope" was closed. Oddly enough, there were people there, and we were able to ascertain that it would be closed for the entire day, so we decided to go back to my first slope ever all those years ago, Les Mosses.

This was where I had my first day of disasters, and oh was it disasterous. On that day in 2006 I tumbled down slope after slope, but this time I was feeling much more optimistic, starting off first on the bebeh slope, and then moving on to the blue slope--a k a "The Piccachu Slope"...D'OH! That little japan-imation b-stard followed me the whole time, but let me just say that it was bigger, and I did good at the mountain. After having a cup of tea and seeing A COPTIC PRIEST ON THE BABY SLOPE:

<-- Photos don't lie...that's a man in a skirt
Anyway...that sentence got cut off mid-way through. Ok, so after our cup of tea we went onto a more difficult and long slope, which I was all for; I can't improve if I don't keep challenging myself (plus the Pikachu slope was getting a bit boring, AND I hadn't fallen once that day). As Phil and I were going down, he got to thinking and let out this little gem as I pointed out one red slope that I was glad not to be on:
"I think you were on that one...yes, you were on that red slope. That's the first slope I took you to two years ago, you know, just after you got done on the beginner's slope...I guess I underestimated its difficulty."

<-- I think that this was the biggest Hannukah bush on the Continent this year
Can't have Christmas without ye olde nightmare fuel!
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